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3:00 pm
Beginning Machine Piecing
6:00 pm
101D: Beginning Machine Piecing
12:00 pm
460: Hollyhocks
11:00 am
293: My Kinda Town
1:30 pm
Rotary Cutting and Using Common Rulers
3:00 pm
Beginning Machine Piecing
6:00 pm
101D: Beginning Machine Piecing
10:30 am
121: East Quilts West
3:00 pm
Beginning Machine Piecing
6:00 pm
101D: Beginning Machine Piecing
10:30 am
535C: Celtic Radiance
10:30 am
Basic Machine Quilting
3:00 pm
Beginning Machine Piecing
6:00 pm
101D: Beginning Machine Piecing

Contact Us

  • Store Hours:
  • Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Central Time)
  • Address: 2055 Craigshire Road Suite #205 St. Louis, MO 63146
  • Call Us: 314-993-1181
  • Email Us:

Building Entry

  • You will enter the building through the Main Entrance and find us at the top of a short staircase.
    Handicapped accessible parking and entrance with an elevator to the second floor is at the south side (left hand side as you face the front of the building) of the building.