Upcoming Classes and The Fox Sings The Blues
We want to let you know that we have one opening in the Star Baby Class, being held Saturday, January 22nd. Class runs 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Julie Connell, certified Quiltworx instructor will be leading the class. Cost is $55 plus $21.50 pattern purchase.
We also have openings in Dresden Still Life, being taught by Candy Grisham, Part 1 Thursday, January 27th 12:00-4:00p.m.; Part 2 Thursday, February 24th 2:00-4:00p.m. Cost is $60
Judy Hoffman will be teaching Needle Turn Applique on Saturday, January 29th from 10:30-1:30, cost is $30 and there is room in that class as well.
We are still taking sign ups for the 2022 Block of the Month Program, The Fox Sings the Blues. Our regular First and Third Saturday participants will have a start up fee of $78.00 We love to see you on first and third Saturdays, but if you unable to attend monthly, it we are now pleased to offer our BOM by mail. Since the price is based on appearance of the participant monthly, there is an adjustment for the fact that we will be mailing it. The total cost is $148.00 which covers the blocks, and mailing it quarterly. We ask that this be paid when you sign up. The finishing kit will be available at the end for an additional price.
Pictured below are the February blocks as well as an image of what the final quilt will look like. You can sign up in person or by calling the shop.
Louise Georgia and her terrific staff
The Quilted Fox
2055 Craigshire Road, Suite 205
Maryland Heights, MO 63146
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